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“Food choices must have been much simpler in our grandparents’ day. Today there’s more food-safety regulation, there’s more nutritional information available, and there’s just more to think about. But for my family’s sake, I want to know.”

There’s a lot of information out there, so we’re making it easier for people like you who want to keep up with it. Confused about which food-label words are regulated and which ones aren’t? We have the answer on our labeling page. Concerned about all the talk about antibiotics and hormones? We have some reassuring facts on food safety.

We’ve also set up a page with nutrition questions and answers, along with a page full of facts about what it takes to feed a growing world. And if you’re just looking for something for dinner, you’ll appreciate all the good things available on our recipe page.

It all comes down to personal preference and feeling good about all the healthy, safe food choices we have.